It is a commonly known fact that pregnant women are, well, forgetful, to put it lightly. The truth is, we are complete idiots. I had a lot to do yesterday, the most important thing was to go to the post office to mail a package. I needed to do it last week, but due to other circumstances (pee), it didn't get done. Yesterday, I made to post office a priority and made sure it was my first stop. I had everything I needed, the gift was wrapped as well as I could wrap it without a box, but I knew I could buy one there, I had the card that went with it, I even went so far as to go into town to see if my hubby could meet me there to watch the kids in the van to make it as easy as possible. I pulled up, and suddenly realized... I did not bring the address I needed to mail the gift to. What an idiot! Who goes to mail something and forgets the address? Since I am sending cookies, I cannot just wait and mail them later, I want them to be fresh when they get there. So, I ate them. And they were good.
My husband said about four times yesterday, "Is this a pregnant thing? Cause you're kind of, ummm, not yourself today." "What do you mean by not myself?" "Well, umm, you're kind of... dumb." Yes, he was right, and he said it with respect, but I hit him anyway. Just for fun.
To my cookie friend, and you know who you are, I WILL get cookies to you, and they WILL be fresh, and it WILL happen soon. I am sorry for the delay, but I am pregnant, after all. I hope you understand!
If it makes you feel better, I feel like I have pregnant brain....I'll call mine fried college brain. I forgot to take out garbage for the second week in a row. Getting stinky here.
Eeewwwww... Sorry, I added a poopy diaper to your garbage today, so it'll be extra stinky soon!
When I was pg w/Connor I left my wallet w/cash, a uncashed check and my credit card in the cart at Wal mart. I made it all the way home when I remembered. I felt so out of it I made Donnie drive me back. Thankfully a nice lady returned it w/all intact. I also wrote a check to les schwab for the balance of my checking acct. Thankfully my friend worked there and asked if I wanted a credit? Uh... not for that amt. I am now brain deficiant and not pg so what is my excuse? 4 kids???? hmmm...
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