Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Why Halloween Will Not Go According to Plan

My dear sister-in-law, Holly found a Tinkerbell costume for Emma. She was thrilled, it is not the typical Tinkerbell costume, I think it is actually one of the other fairies, but it is purple, which is Emma's favorite color. We got it home and she wanted to carry it around with her wherever she went. "Mommy, I love this costume. It's very beautiful. I really like the wings. I'll be able to fly real good with these wings!" Uh-oh. So that's why she wanted to be Tink, to be able to fly? "Honey, these wings are just pretend wings. You will only be able to pretend fly with them." "What?!? I wanted to fly!" "Well, if you run real fast, and flap your wings, maybe it'll feel like you are flying." "OR, (that 'or' is always big and dramatic with her) I can run real fast, flap my wings, and really fly. I'll just try and see if it works." Full of new-found confidence, she seems to have solved her dilemma. Halloween is not ruined after all. "OK, sweetie, you go ahead and try, but make sure you don't jump off anything the first time you try, OK?" I can just picture her on top of the porch railing, ready to fly, and we spend Halloween in the ER.

So, Emma is still Tinkerbell, Grant will be Peter Pan, and Ben is going to be Captain Hook. As long as no one ends up in a cast, I think things will go fairly well this year!

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