Baby Drew is two weeks old! Which means the last two weeks have been filled with chaos and a constant stream of visitors. I have appreciated each and every person who has stopped by, while we were in the hospital or at home, but I need a break. I need a chance to find some new type of normal in our lives, and just be our little family. Yup, I'm stupid.
My darling husband, whom I love, got the bright idea last night to replace all the batteries in the noisy toys that have died. All at once. Every one of them. Do you know what happens when you do that? The kids are so exited about all the new level of noise that can be reached that they have a new desire to achieve the highest noise level possible, either with the toys or without. And it is really fun to take the microphone from the piano and use it to magnify the noise from the race car thingy, which basically sounds like the squeal of technical interference. Magnified. However, children are unaware of how badly that type of sound actually hurts your ears, so they try to imitate that very same sound into the microphone, which is now considered quiet and peaceful compared to the squealing of three children all trying to out-do each other in their fingernails-on-a-chalkboard annoyingness. Then they try stealing the microphone from each other, and a fight breaks out ending with trains being thrown at each other's heads.
Why today? Why the day I decide to be alone with my darling children, all four of them, do the three oldest try to drive me up the wall? And why do they do the worst fighting while I am nursing Drew, so I have to decide to either ignore them or stop the flow of tasty numminess to the baby, who will scream?
Well, I was looking for a new normal. Unfortunately, I think I found it. I gotta go sneak some batteries back out of some toys now.
Wow, great thinking Marty! Hope you get some quiet at naptime!
Earplugs, I suggest earplugs...and yes, "misplacing" the batteries might be a good idea as well :)
I used electric tape over the mic on the toys but on the inside or your smart children will take it right off. Hope you get your new normal soon. I remember the same decision making of break up fights or keep baby nursing. Tough...
Guess I didn't think that one through.....
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