Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Me!

One year ago today, I took the leap, and started this blog.

I told no one, trying to find my way before I allowed others to view my thoughts and ramblings. It didn't last, because things are public, and people found out. It worked out well.

So here I am, one year; three hundred fifty one posts; nineteen thousand hits; and one additional child later and I have logged many hours at the computer documenting the lives of my sweet kiddos. I am so very happy I started this adventure, and am thrilled to have this to look back on later. I have discovered that I have a few talents I didn't know about, and that people are entertained by my crazy life. I love the fact that this has been an outlet for me to recognize the humor in my rough days, and that I have become part of a little community of people who I would have never met, but have now consider friends.

Wow, that sounded cheesy.

But it is true. I love blogging, and I love the friends I have developed through blogging. I love that my hubby can come home from work knowing that I had a rough day, and bring me chocolate without me even having to ask. I love that my parents and my brother and sister-in-law can feel more involved in our kids' lives, even living 100 miles(ish) away.

So today I will celebrate my blogaversary with... something. I had all these ideas for what I could do, but let's be honest here, I'm just happy I got the blogaversary post out on the actual blogaversary, not out tomorrow but back-dated to today.

Maybe to celebrate, I'll take a long, glorious bubble bath. Or maybe just a shower. Yeah, that's more like it.


DJan said...

Tiff, I could have written that second paragraph myself. I know that this world, you and your crazy family included (documented incredibly well by someone with a keen sense of the absurd) have enriched my own life. I look forward to the future together, and Happy Blogaversary!!! I think you should do whatever makes you happy, as long as you keep on bloggin'.

Snow Mommy said...

Congrats! We all appreciate your posts, they keep us entertained!

the story of my life... said...

I am glad I found you!! Keep it up!

Stephana said...

Congrats...I hope you got to take a LONG shower!!!

Wendy Whitlow said...

Hey Tiff,

Just wanted to stop by. Happy Blogaversary! That's cute.... :)

I don't get here as often as I'd like...but your blogs are always fun. Keep it up!