"Mom, I have a wondering in my brain." I just love how the kids think. And Emma especially, is so good at explaining what is going on.
"Alright, baby, what are you wondering?"
"Well," she pauses, trying her best to explain herself in a way that is respectful and clear, "I am wondering if in my room, I can make up my own rules, since it's my room. And you can have your rules in the rest of the house, since it's your house. Is that OK?"
"Sweetheart, that would be OK in some cases. But since your room is part of my house, some of the house rules still apply. What is the rule you wanted to have in your room?"
"Well, I want my room rule to be that it's OK to kick a soccer ball in the house, since it's in my room."
I am constantly amazed at this child. This five year old, who understands the complexities behind asking for the rules to be broken. "Mom, I have a wondering in my brain." She's adorable and amazing.
But no, she didn't get to kick her soccer ball in her room. Since we let her kick the ball in the living room for one evening and she almost took out one of the two remaining blades on our ceiling fan and all. I know, details.
Testing the comments...
Testing again...
I'll try again to leave a comment. Go, Emma. Great soccer game.
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