Good morning! Some of you may have noticed a li'l something different today. That's right, I have reached a new self-appointed level of bloggy coolness. Not that anyone really cares that I have my own domain, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
That's right, we are now! You can still reach this site by going the old way through the .blogspot address, but the more direct route is available. So update your bookmarks, your favorites, your toolbars, (I know some of you have this blog directly on your toolbar, right? No, that's just my hubby because I put it on there for him? Oh. My bad.) and I'll try to update the links on the page.
You know, when I'm not cleaning up pee. Or sending three year olds to time out for jumping off the top of the train table and flying through the air like they are actually little Evel Kenivel children.
Or taking kids to the doctor. Again.
Is it too much to ask that my doctor send me a nice gift this Christmas, as a thank you for all of the business I have been bringing him? I mean, really, I think I have totally earned a nice bottle of wine, or a cheese basket, maybe an Audi. At least I know who his kids are, so I will feel really good about sending all four of them to college.
At Harvard.
Well, I gotta run and shower before taking Drew to the doc today. Because, you know, Steve at the pharmacy probably misses me. I haven't seen him in a good two weeks, and we have become good enough friends that I don't want to show up in my jammies.
You know, again.
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