Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Facts

Thankful for: In this time of sickness, where I have six of six family members ill, I am grateful for my kids' health. I know, that sounds strange to say, but if the worst I have to deal with is a nasty cold, I think I am doing great. I keep hearing about people with kids with cancer and heart problems and the like, and I am so very grateful that my kids are healthy and happy and that we don't have to deal with illnesses that might take their lives. I am thankful for that.

Looking forward to: This weekend, we have no plans. Isn't that great? I am so excited that we have a weekend at home and maybe, just maybe, we can get to the bottom of the laundry pile.

What's for dinner tonight: I'm feeling like steak tonight. I wonder if it will clear up enough for me to barbecue. On Valentine's day, I made beef tenderloin medallions with pan-seared prawns and a Manhattan sauce, and I have been craving that Manhattan sauce again ever since. Just seeing Manhattan sauce on the screen is making me drool!

Listening to: Grant is in an extended time-out for pushing Drew down, and then pushing him again while he was in time-out. So he's quiet. Ben and Drew are playing with one of Drew's toys, so Ben is telling him about the horsies in the cave and Drew is saying "This? This? Up, up!" Which are his two main words he uses for everything.

Missing: Unfortunately, my cell phone has not been seen since Sunday. I don't really use it at home, so I didn't notice right away, but now I have no idea where to find it. I am blaming Drew. He seems to be taking after his hero-brother Ben.

Wanting/needing: I am needing to fatten up Drew a bit. Or a lot. He is almost fourteen months old and he weighs just over nineteen pounds. He is in the 75th percentile for height, but not even on the curve for weight. The thing is, this kid eats. It is not for lack of calories that he is not gaining weight, he will eat an entire chicken breast and a half a cantaloupe in one sitting, and ask for more. Four to five meals a day, every day. I'm not kidding, my nineteen pound baby eats more than an average adult.

But he is constantly moving. Oh, the activity level of this child amazes me. He burns so many calories a day, he just can't gain weight. I've started drizzling everything he eats with extra virgin olive oil, he eats salmon and avocado and good fatty stuff. But he needs to gain weight. I can't keep pants on the skinny little kid.

Quote of the Week:
Me: "Baby Drew, say Mama!"
Drew: "Up up up up up up!"
Me: "Say ma-ma!"
Drew: with a big grin and a twinkle in his eye "Up-up!"
Me: "Silly boy, say MA-MA!"
Drew: still grinning "UP-UP!"
Me: 'MA-MA!"
Drew: can hardly contain himself now, he's laughing at his joke "UP-UP!"
Me: "I'm your mama, say, MA-MA!"
Drew: "up-up, up-up, up-up, ma-ma!"
And then we dissolved into a giggling heap on the floor.


DJan said...

Adorable! I love the "UP" story. One way we are able to find a lost cell phone is to call it from another line and see if it rings... it works for me, anyway!

Snow Mommy said...

Maybe the phone is in the bottom of the laundry pile???

Christy said...

LOVE the up story!!! :)