Today, my bloggy world and my real-life world came together and I got to meet a good bloggy friend, Tiffany from Paging Doctor Mommy. She came down to my humble abode to visit and do some shopping. I told her I was not going to make too much fun of her on my blog for wanting to come across the border to try to find diet peanut butter, so I won't even mention it. Even though I think the whole concept of diet peanut butter is like low fat ice cream and is probably not worth it. But that's just me. Of course, I am the one who had to "test" the candy we bought for Emma's birthday pinata, and I have eaten half the bag. Diet advice is not my forte.
We had a great time and giggled a little about meeting each other online and then just meeting in real life for the first time at my house, which goes against all rules for internet safety. But it's like she said, if either of us was a bad guy wanting to lure people into meeting, the whole blog thing was a pretty intricate trap, don'cha think?
Luckily, both of us are normal. Well, one of us was normal. But I think we all know I'm a different breed of crazy.
Anywhoo, we went shopping and had lunch and had a great time. Emma and Reagan became new BFF's, and they were inseparable. We took the kids to the play area at the mall to let them run off a little energy, and a little girl came up to Emma and asked her to be her friend. Emma grabbed Reagan by the hand and said, "This is my new friend." I had to remind her that she can be friends with more than one person, and all the little girls had fun.
We decided to get together more often, and I am looking forward to it. I love my new circle of friends!
Here's all of us together on my couch:

Thanks, Tiffany and Reagan, for a fun day! I can't wait to see you again!
you have been tagged on my site for two things
Hey, just popped over from Tiffany's page. Sounds like y'all had an awesome day and if I lived closer, I'd so be hanging out with you guys!!! I was actually a little jealous reading it. I'm way down here in Texas and have yet to meet up with any people I've met 'in the blog world'. I do have friends that blog, but I knew them BEFORE they blogged. =0)
Great post! Glad y'all had fun. And so nice to meet ya!
We can't wait to make another trip down to visit! I'll let you know as soon as I get something planned!
Give all the kiddos big hugs from us!
Glad you guys had such a great time!
Cute picture, glad you all had fun.
Sounds like fun!
And I am with you on the diet peanut butter thing!
That is great you had such a great time. I am laughing about the diet peanut butter but I will keep that to myself. I was talking to s/one who is so overboard on internet safety she doesn't even use her real name or her kids on her blog. But come on it's not like we have a map to our house. Glad you had such a wonderful time and that Emma has a great friend too.
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