Dear Drew,
I am constantly amazed by you, and I thank God every day for allowing me the privilege to be your mother. Happy second birthday, baby Drew.

You are a spitfire, you have more personality and passion in your little pipsqueak body than I have ever seen in a child your age. You love with your whole heart, you throw yourself into everything you do, and your determination is something we could all learn from. When you set your mind to something, by golly you will accomplish it. Although that is a trait that drives me nuts right now, I sincerely hope that never changes.

You came from such humble beginnings. You truly are truly proof to your Daddy and I that God's ways are much, much better than ours. You may not have been planned by us, but you were very much planned by God and you were very, very much wanted. If we had only known how our family would be complete with you in it, we would have planned your life. Luckily, God knew how much we needed you, and sent you to us, our little unexpected blessing. I love you so much.

Your birth was complicated. Your pneumothorax (collapsed lung) was scary, but those eight days you spent in the hospital were truly a blessing. I don't know how I would have had the one-on-one time with you if you had come home right away. I am grateful for the chance to hold you all day long(after the first two days were you could not be held), to do nothing but focus on you.

You at two years old are an amazing child. You drive my crazy with your antics, you keep me running with your abilities. You could remove the outlet covers at nine months old, open all the childproof locks at sixteen months, climbed from your crib and got your first concussion at nineteen months, and defeated the swivel outlet covers and child-proofed medicine bottles at twenty-two months. I feel your life will be a long string of calls to poison control and trips to the ER, with you giggling all the way, saying, "Well, that was fun!" I truly hope you keep your passion, your drive, your determination, and your problem-solving skills throughout your childhood and into your adult years, you will do great things with your life if you can maintain the skills you have now. It would be nice, however, if you could tone it down a touch, just for now, so you can survive till adulthood. ;)

You are the sweetest child as well, you give the biggest and best hugs, and always seem to know when I need you to snuggle. I will never tire of hearing your little voice saying, "I wuve you, mummy!" Your favorite things are Go Diego Go, tractors, elephants, and your older siblings. you love everyone in your family, and you really do complete us.

At this point in your life, you do not like to be called "Drew." You insist that you are "Baby." I try to convince you that you are big, but no, you yell, "I Baby! Bay-bee!" Alright, sweet boy, you can stay Mama's baby for a bit longer. I know that you are my last, so if you want to be little, I'll let you.
Happy birthday, sweet boy. You make my life a joy every day, and you keep me in shape chasing after you. I love you!
Happy Birthday Drew-b-drew.
Auntie Hottie
What a sweet family, and happy birthday Baby! I love that Christmas card, Tiff. You are without a doubt a very fortunate person. Glad you are a blogger, too, so it can be shared.
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