Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where did September go?

Holy Crayola! I just realized this morning that tomorrow is October! I am so behind, it is not even funny. Usually by now I have the kid's Halloween costumes started, Christmas card list done, my Christmas gift list done, and my Christmas letter started. I haven't done any of these things yet! Yes, I am insane and I make the kids' Halloween costumes, but it saves a ton of money in the long run, and they are much cuter and warmer than if we buy them. I was shopping online, and found that if I buy the costumes we want this year, I will spend $265 on costumes. My goal this year is to keep Halloween within a $50 budget. This includes costumes, candy, trick-or-treat buckets for the boys, and pumpkins. This would have been a lot easier if I had gotten a head start, but I will have to be a little more creative to accomplish it this year. I'll keep you posted!


Snow Mommy said...

I am so with you on being behind. Don't forget that the family photographer wants our pictures done early.

The Campbell Family said...

What are the kids going to be this year? I paid $20 I think a couple of years ago for a frog costume and Em loves it so much, that's what she's been the last 2 years and she really wants it to fit again this year!! And it's warm!! Luckily for us Cris hates Halloween (who's child is she?!?!) and I think she wants to stay home again this year.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffani! There is a DOLLAR TREE in Bellingham next to Home Depot,or a smaller one in Blaine next to Rite-Aid.Everything is a Dollar,and I raised my kids on dollar stores and they turned out great-your frugal friend-always happy to give well intended advice..one of those annoying things I do :D .If SDollar Tree isn't what you want-Micheal's in Bellingham is pretty good,and Joanne Fabrics is ,too.